To the ones I love,
What a week! I'm pretty sure I start every email that way these days. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY (No surprise there I'm sure.) This past week found me falling in love with serving a mission more and more. First off, General Conference. SISTERS CAN NOW SERVE MISSIONS AT 19!!!!!! This is crazy exciting news. There were about 8 sets of missionaries at the Stake Centre watching General Conference when that announcement was made. We were all completely shocked! This is definitely going to change the mission culture for the entire world. I still can't believe it. Sisters serving at 19! There are going to be a ton more Sister Missionaries (which is the best ever). :) It's crazy to think that if I was 3 years younger I could be going out on a mission the same time as all my guy friends. So weird. The Harvest is great, but the labourers are few. What a great way to get more missionaries! Also, this will mean that the boy/girl ratio at BYU and BYU-Idaho will be better. :) Definitely a plus.
Speaking of Harvesting, Sister Roberts and I went Harvesting this week. Our Ward Mission Leader taught us this finding technique that separates the wheat from the tares. We knock on the door and when someone answers we say our names and that, "We are representatives of the Savior Jesus Christ. He has sent us to your home to leave His peace and blessing. May we come in and leave this blessing?" It's awesome! More people let us in. In a half hour Sister Roberts and I were able to pray with three different people. The last one turned into an other lesson and they set up a return appointment with us. It is really neat. You are able to ask for every one's names and anything that their family is in need of at this time and include it in the prayer. It immediately brings the spirit into their home. In the prayer you also ask that they will be blessed to recognize truth as they hear and feel it. I love it! So neat!
Oh, to explain my subject line. We are teaching Sophie and it turns out she doesn't live in our area so she'll get baptized in Millcreek YSA. When we explained to her about boundaries and other missionaries she said, "You gave birth to me. Don't abandon your baby!" She is now a Sister's Request so we will continue to teach her until she is baptized but it does make things a little more difficult. Turns out she has attended Millcreek YSA before our ward and she didn't like it. Plus, she's chinese and Millcreek doesn't have any Chinese fellowshippers. It's been a slight headache, but the best thing is that she is getting baptized October 22nd :)That's all that really matters.
On Friday we met with Mike and Sheryl again. They are not actively investigating but have invited us over for dinner twice now. As we were talking with Mike he asked us some questions he had from the Book of Mormon. One of which came from the Alma 7:10. In that verse it explains that "He (Christ) will be born of Mary, at Jerusalem..." This concerned Mike. He explained that he thought this was a flaw. Christ was born in Bethlehem. Therefore, this proves that the Book of Mormon isn't true. Sister Roberts started to explain about what that could mean. As she did this thought came to me, "Alma is referring to Jerusalem as 'The Land of our forefathers.' He used the words 'at Jerusalem' so that the people of Gideon had a reference point." I had never heard of that before, but I felt impressed to say it. When I did, Mike dropped that concern. At the end of the lesson Sister Roberts asked Mike if he has prayed about if the Book of Mormon is true yet. He quickly replied, "Why would I?" As if the words were not my own, devastated that he hadn't yet, I replied, "Why would you not?" Sister Roberts and I both testified of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and once again invited Mike to pray. Later, Sister Roberts explained that she had just read about Alma 7:10 in the Book of Mormon student manual this morning and when Mike brought up that she couldn't remember what the manual had said about that. She was surprised to hear me say almost word for word exactly what it said in the manual. She asked me if I had read that before and I explained that I hadn't. Once home I looked it up and sure enough that was exactly the thought that came to my mind. It's really neat to see the Spirit work through you and to see why a companionship is so important. When both partners in a companionship are trying to teach by the spirit then both are edified and rejoice together. :)
Yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving. It's not as big of a deal as it is in the States. We were invited by our Bishop and his family to join them. It was a good evening. Afterwards we were told not to proselyte and to not be a burden on members. Since we're YSA there was no one to meet with (everyone was with their family.) So, we and 3 other sets of Elders made Carmel apples at the church. It was really fun. I love the friendships I have gained with other missionaries. Also, for the first time I saw the Northern Lights!!!! My camera couldn't get a really good picture, but it was Awesome!!! :) So cool!
I wish I had time to write about General Conference in more detail, but sadly I do not. However, it was wonderful and I'm so grateful we have living prophets on the earth today. I encourage everyone to read and re-read the talks given. We are so blessed to have modern revelation. Don't take it for granted!
I love you all!!! Enjoy the warm weather (it's been around 11 C. Winter is coming).
Love Always,
Sister Thompson
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