Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Dearest Family and Friends,
I feel that I should first start by explaining the subject line. Sister Roberts and I were getting out of our car and heading into our apartment when we saw a woman walking down the street. We subconsciously took our time at our car so that we could be there when she walked past. As I glanced over at her I noticed her a the end of the block about 15 feet away. She looked at us and started backing up and then crossed the street. Seriously? Are we really that scary? We got a pretty good laugh about it inside. When we were done with dinner and some paperwork (about an hour later) and were heading toward our car we noticed the say lady walking toward us. This time she had headphones in and was pre-occupied with her phone to notice us right there. I turned to Sister Roberts, she's mine. Just as she was about 5 feet way I spoke up, "Hi, how are you?" She jumped slightly and laughed "Highly Pagan!" and just kept on walking. I looked at Sister Roberts, "Okay.... that was random." We got a pretty good chuckle as we got back in the car. Some people are so funny. I never knew that a 5' 2" Blond haired blue eyed girl wearing a cardigan could scare someone. Good times.
It finally happened. That Sacrament meeting that you have two investigators, one non-member, and one recent convert all there and the last speaker talks about deep doctrine. Yep, that Sacrament meeting when you and your companion are praying the entire time, "Please plug his ears." "Bless him to recognize the truths said." etc. Yep, that Sacrament meeting. What deep doctrine was shared over the pulpit? King Follet's Sermon. It is a great sermon for those who understand and believe that we can ultimately become like God and that explains God's true nature. What added to it all as who the last speaker was. An Institute Teacher! I'm sure he is a fantastic teacher and I'd love to take a class from him, but this was not appropriate for Sacrament Meeting where there are non-members attending. One of the our investigators came for the first time and he is the investigator that struggles most with Anti- Mormon stuff. Either way, our prayers were answered so far. Jerri never asked questions about the last speaker's talk and he said it was really good. We'll see if any damage control will be necessary later in the week when we meet with him. Note to everyone reading this, Sacrament Meeting Talks should be very basic that anyone can understand. If in doubt as to if an investigator would know what you are talking about- don't do it!!!
We had a Member Referral this week that we were able to contact. Mitchell in our ward text us last week saying that his friend from work had questions and would like to meet with us. Turns out his friend is married and in the Beaumont Ward Boundaries. We had a lesson with him (Dave) and his wife Christine. IT WAS AMAZING!!! The Spirit there was so strong! It was wonderful to testify to them and they are so eager to learn more. As we started teaching them we talked about the Holy Ghost and how we can recognize it. Then we told them to pay attention to how they felt as we taught. After reciting the First Vision we waited in silence for the Spirit to testify that what we had said was true. After we asked them how they were feeling. Christine said, "I felt the Holy Ghost feel the whole room." Dave said, "That is incredible. I imagined myself right there, kneeling down." They are really excited to learn more. We set up another time to meet with them and explained that other missionaries that covered their congregation would be coming with us next time. It was so great to see their excitement to learn. After, we talked with Mitchell and he explained that he didn't think Dave was that interested in learning more. He thought Dave was just being nice, but during the lesson Dave thanked Mitchell for introducing us to him. To everyone reading this listen up- YOU NEVER KNOW THE IMPACT YOU CAN HAVE. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS READY TO HEAR THE GOSPEL. Don't pre-judge people. OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!! I know this principle is true. I have seen it bless multiple people's lives. Start sharing the Gospel!!!
I love you all from the bottom of my heart and more!
Sister Thompson

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