Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Dearest Family and Friends,
I feel that I should first start by explaining the subject line. Sister Roberts and I were getting out of our car and heading into our apartment when we saw a woman walking down the street. We subconsciously took our time at our car so that we could be there when she walked past. As I glanced over at her I noticed her a the end of the block about 15 feet away. She looked at us and started backing up and then crossed the street. Seriously? Are we really that scary? We got a pretty good laugh about it inside. When we were done with dinner and some paperwork (about an hour later) and were heading toward our car we noticed the say lady walking toward us. This time she had headphones in and was pre-occupied with her phone to notice us right there. I turned to Sister Roberts, she's mine. Just as she was about 5 feet way I spoke up, "Hi, how are you?" She jumped slightly and laughed "Highly Pagan!" and just kept on walking. I looked at Sister Roberts, "Okay.... that was random." We got a pretty good chuckle as we got back in the car. Some people are so funny. I never knew that a 5' 2" Blond haired blue eyed girl wearing a cardigan could scare someone. Good times.
It finally happened. That Sacrament meeting that you have two investigators, one non-member, and one recent convert all there and the last speaker talks about deep doctrine. Yep, that Sacrament meeting when you and your companion are praying the entire time, "Please plug his ears." "Bless him to recognize the truths said." etc. Yep, that Sacrament meeting. What deep doctrine was shared over the pulpit? King Follet's Sermon. It is a great sermon for those who understand and believe that we can ultimately become like God and that explains God's true nature. What added to it all as who the last speaker was. An Institute Teacher! I'm sure he is a fantastic teacher and I'd love to take a class from him, but this was not appropriate for Sacrament Meeting where there are non-members attending. One of the our investigators came for the first time and he is the investigator that struggles most with Anti- Mormon stuff. Either way, our prayers were answered so far. Jerri never asked questions about the last speaker's talk and he said it was really good. We'll see if any damage control will be necessary later in the week when we meet with him. Note to everyone reading this, Sacrament Meeting Talks should be very basic that anyone can understand. If in doubt as to if an investigator would know what you are talking about- don't do it!!!
We had a Member Referral this week that we were able to contact. Mitchell in our ward text us last week saying that his friend from work had questions and would like to meet with us. Turns out his friend is married and in the Beaumont Ward Boundaries. We had a lesson with him (Dave) and his wife Christine. IT WAS AMAZING!!! The Spirit there was so strong! It was wonderful to testify to them and they are so eager to learn more. As we started teaching them we talked about the Holy Ghost and how we can recognize it. Then we told them to pay attention to how they felt as we taught. After reciting the First Vision we waited in silence for the Spirit to testify that what we had said was true. After we asked them how they were feeling. Christine said, "I felt the Holy Ghost feel the whole room." Dave said, "That is incredible. I imagined myself right there, kneeling down." They are really excited to learn more. We set up another time to meet with them and explained that other missionaries that covered their congregation would be coming with us next time. It was so great to see their excitement to learn. After, we talked with Mitchell and he explained that he didn't think Dave was that interested in learning more. He thought Dave was just being nice, but during the lesson Dave thanked Mitchell for introducing us to him. To everyone reading this listen up- YOU NEVER KNOW THE IMPACT YOU CAN HAVE. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS READY TO HEAR THE GOSPEL. Don't pre-judge people. OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!! I know this principle is true. I have seen it bless multiple people's lives. Start sharing the Gospel!!!
I love you all from the bottom of my heart and more!
Sister Thompson

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

People I love,
I have officially been a missionary for a whole year now!!!! It's so weird. I feel like I have grown so much and changed for the better. Like I mentioned last week, I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!! This last year of my life has definitely been the best year for my life so far! I love serving! I don't know if my family will agree with this, but I feel that this last year has gone by SO FAST!! Seriously! I can't believe it!!! I was talking to President Campbell today on the phone and he brought up how he couldn't believe that it's already been a year. He said, "It feels like just yesterday cute little Sister Thompson got off the plane. Full of Missionary fire." Here we are, a year later. Crazy!!! So, to celebrate being a missionary for a year Sister Roberts and I "Melted" Panty Hose. Fact, when set on fire panty hose doesn't burn but melts. So, need less to say it was slightly less epic than we were hoping, but still exciting!!!
Highlights from this week: Raj talked to his parents finally about meeting with missionaries and his decision to get baptized. He was very surprised that it turned out better than he expected. He had an overnight bag packed just in case they kicked him out, but they didn't. His sister showed him a lot of support and his parents said they would have to think about how exactly they felt about it all, but they were loving. Also, his cousin that was sending him Anti stuff stopped and has actually started supporting him and said he thinks he is doing a great thing and wants to attend his baptism. This is huge progress!!! Raj is progressing great!!! It has been a pleasure to teach him.
We were invited by someone in the Southwood Ward to volunteer at a Community League event. As part of our volunteer duties they wanted us to participate and "Advertise" the activities. So, we ate roasted corn, popcorn, cotton candy, got balloon animal hats, played with a parachute and interacted with a ton of people. It was tons of fun! Best service ever!!! :)
The most random thing happened yesterday. We were at Jen's house for dinner and right in the middle of teaching her and Chris, Jen's Stepdad runs in and says, "I think you guys will want to see this" We ran to the window to find a Hot air balloon too close to the house. We ran outside. Turns out they were doing an emergency landing right in front of our house. It was super random. We of course took tons of pictures. :) I hope you enjoy them.
Well, sadly, I don't have anymore time. Know that I love you all and hope this week is fantastic!!!
 This is how close it landed to the house. Jen's house is on the left. Crazy!!!
 Sister Thompson with the random hot air balloon
Sister Thompson and Sister Roberts with CHOO CHOO the Clown
Sister Thompson

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Dearest Loves,
Another fun filled week of being a missionary. Every week, every potential investigator, less active coming back to church, progressing investigator with a baptismal date, district meeting, preparation day, etc. reminds me why I love being a missionary. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!! Seriously! This is awesome! Highlights from the week are as follows;
Chris Keene got the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday!!! He is so excited. He can't wait to pass the sacrament next week and he thinks it's pretty neat that he can baptize now. He is just embracing the Gospel more and more. They are hoping to get him a calling next week. That will be really exciting for him. He loves going to Firesides, YSA Dances, FHE, and he has signed up for two Institute classes; Book of Mormon and Prep for Celestial Marriage. :) I cannot wait for him and Jen to be sealed next year and for Chris to receive his own Endowment. I plan on going for sure!! He is so excited to go do Baptism for the Dead on Saturday, September 29th. It's really great to see someone continually accept and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He continues to comment on how happy he is and that in his life before the church he never was truly happy. :)
Our Investigator Raj is progressing really really well too. He has come to church for the 5th or 6th time in a row now and is getting baptized September 29th. :) He loves the Gospel and is very accepting of everything. However, he has some family opposition. His family is from India and he has a Sikh (pronounced seek) background. He mentioned to some of his cousins that he was meeting with missionaries and they have been texting him "information about the Mormons" that they found online. They are constantly questioning him, but he is so strong. He doesn't really care because he knows it's true. He plans on telling his parents today. We've been praying that they will be okay with his decision. He really loves the Gospel. One of the best things I've ever had an investigator say was said during our lesson Friday night. We were teaching about Obedience and Tithing and I asked Raj to turn to 1 Nephi 17:3. As he turned to it he commented, "Oh! I even have it highlighted." That comment made me so happy :) Raj is literally in love with the scriptures and can't get enough of them. He reads them twice a day. :)
Both Chris and Raj came to the CES Fireside last night, by Elder Holland. It was amazing!!! I'm so glad I got to attend. They both loved it (it was their first one). Elder Holland was a powerful speaker! My Favorite part however was when they announced who was accompanying the choir. Katie Koeven!!!! That was super exciting to hear. Did I hear that right? Katie, were you the one playing the piano? (For those who don't know, Katie is my amazing cousin on my dad's side). Well, if I wasn't mistaken, and that was in fact Katie, it was awesome to be a missionary at the Bonnie Doon Stake Center, in Edmonton Canada and hear my cousin's name. Great surprise! :) One of my favorite one liners from Elder Holland's talk was " Never Check your religion at the door!!" I could feel the power and fire come from his booming voice as he said that. It was powerful! So, I express my thoughts on this. Do not ever check your religion in at the door!!! Be a witness at all time! Always live your religion!
Other events from this week, we have what is called "Waffle Wednesday" every Wednesday at 10:30 am at the Institute building. Us Missionaries make waffles for institute students to bring their non-member friends to. It's pretty cool. Also, this weekend we got permission to go to our recent convert's (Kris Schneider) wedding. Him and Jessica (a member) were married at the Whyte Ave Chapel. It was neat to go to. Kris looked sharp and Jessica was beaming, but it was sad. I felt so sorry for them when Bishop White said, "This union will last for the period of your mortal lives." How sad is that?! It made me desire to get married in the temple even more than I wanted to before. Kris and Jessica plan on being sealed in a year, so that will be very exciting.
Well, I don't have very much time to write. But I do want everyone reading this to know that I love you!!! The church is true! The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives. The Atonement is real and if you allow it to, it will cover every grief, pain, sin, heartache, and weakness you have. Alma 7:11-13
I love you all!!!
Love, Sister Thompson

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012

My Dear Loved Ones,
This week is the start of a new transfer and SISTER ROBERTS AND I ARE STAYING TOGETHER!!!! I'm so excited!!! 6 More Weeks! This transfer is going to be a good one. Sister Roberts and I have set a lot of goals to stretch ourselves (when you serve with someone for more than 2 transfers it is easy to get comfortable). I'm excited for all that this transfer will bring. Two baptisms :), Canadian Thanksgiving at the beginning of October, and another great transfer working together. I love serving with Sister Roberts. We teach really well together which makes everything a lot better.
So some highlights from this past week. First off, being a missionary is a ton of fun! You get really close to the other missionaries and become a family. My last district was amazing!!! We got super tight and decided to make "District Hoodies" to remember our time together. A lady in the Beaumont ward has an embroidery machine and we designed what we wanted. Our logo says "Tri-City Hoods" (Because we are Mill"hoods" Knott "Hood" and Garneau lives in the Hood). It looks pretty sweet. We have a girl from our Ward, Sam, who is printing something for us to put on the back. So the back with have something on it in a couple weeks. :) They turned out super cool. I have attached some pictures for you to see.
I also have a really really funny story from this last week. So, last Monday was no ordinary Monday. President Campbell would be picking a new Assistant from the Zone Leaders. Our Zone Leaders, Elders Fitzgerald and Jules who were in our district, we're not too excited. That's a lot of added responsibility. Well, while playing Basketball the Southwood Elders accidentally took the Zone Leaders cell phone instead of their own. Sister Roberts and I were asked by the Zone Leaders to get their phone back from Southwood (since they didn't have a phone to call Southwood themselves). We met up with Southwood at the church just before a lesson and waited their for a few minutes after for the Zone Leaders to come and get it. Well, while waiting I thought of a great idea. "Switch our name in their phone to President Campbell and then we'll call their phone a couple times so that when they get their phone back it says they have 2 missed calls from President." ha ha so we did just that. When the Elders came to get their phone I handed it to Elder Fitzgerald. As he looked at the missed calls the color in his face drained. "Who are your missed calls from?" "Umm... one from a ward member, one from the Sturgeon Elders, and two from someone high up in stewardship... We gotta go!" Elder Jules and Fitzgerald were so worried. As Sister Roberts and I started to pull out of the parking lot, Sister Roberts grabbed our phone to call them so that they wouldn't call the "Real President Campbell". "Hello, this is Elder Fitzgerald and Elder Jules." In the deepest, manliest voice she could muster Sister Roberts replied, "Hello Elders!" It wasn't convincing. We broke out in laughter. At that moment we had just pulled out of the parking lot and started driving past the church. Elder Jules was out of their car jumping up and down yelling, "Sisters!!! Oh my gosh Sisters!!! I hate you!" Ha ha ha we pulled back into the parking lot. Both of them were out of the car, their adrenaline up. We got them so good! They highfived us. That was the best prank ever!!! So good!!! Well, it got better. 10:05pm, Sister Roberts and I are getting ready for bed and our phone rang. I looked at it, "President Campbell is calling..." At first we were confused. How could the Elders pull this prank on us? The next thought I had was, 'Are we the new Assistants?' ha ha ha I answered the phone. "Hello this is Sister Thompson." "Hi, Sister Thompson. This is President Campbell. I'm sorry, I have called the wrong number." After we hung up we had a very good idea who the new Assistant was. We figured that President Campbell meant to call the Millwoods Zone Leaders (who are serving in Knottwood), but instead called the Millwoods YSA. We found out the next day that, that was the case. Elder Fitzgerald is the new Assistant to the President. They really did get a call from President. :) Good Times!!!
Our Investigator Raj is progressing so well! He is really excited about getting baptized September 29th. He is worried that his family might disown him because they aren't Christian. He knows it is true though, and has such a strong testimony. It has been such a blessing to start working with him. He is really funny and already we've had some great lessons with him. He came to church Sunday for the 4th time in a row. :) After church, Sister Roberts and I stopped by some less actives in our ward. Their new roommate answered, Tyler, and we ended up having an hour long QGC with him. (QGC = Quality Gospel Conversation). He said he would love to learn more. He is super nice. I can't wait to meet with him this week.
Well, I don't have any more time, but since it is the start of a new transfer I wanted to share this great quote about goal setting and becoming better.
"If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don't want to be."
-Dale Carnegie
Each of us has the potential of becoming like our Heavenly Father. If we aren't actively working towards that then we are only digressing. Make it a priority to become more and reach your potential. With the Lord, nothing is impossible!!!
Love you all!!!
 Sister Roberts, Elder Jules, Elder Pieper, Sister Thompson and Elder Gold!
Tri City Hoods! Elder Jules, Sister Roberts, Sister Thompson, and Elder Fitzgerald.
Sister Thompson